His Grace the Right Reverend KIRILO (Bojovic)
Bishop of Buenos Aires and South and Central America
The Serbian Orthodox Church
Episcopal Headquarters
Iglesia Ortodoxa Serbia
Diocesis de Buenos Aires, America del Sur y Centroamerica
15 de la Natividad de la Virgen
15 de Noviembre de 1889 No 1536
1130 Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Office telephone / fax: ................................................+54-11-4304-1211
Email: spc.buenosaires@gmail.com
Diocesan Secretary:
Rev. Esteban Jovanovic
Gral. Roca 852, Vicente Lopez, Prov. Buenos Aires - Argentina
Cell: +54-9-11-5720-2256
Email: stejo18@hotmail.com
Rt. Reverend Bishop Kirilo (Bojovic), President
V. Rev. Stavrophor Alexis Pena-Alfaro
Rev. Branko Stanisic
Rev. Esteban Jovanovic
Protodeacon Nicolas Radis
Cedomir Stijovic
Branislav Markovic
Vera Milovic
Miguel Avramovic
Nicolas Kostic