The Path of Orthodoxy
The Official Publication of the
Serbian Orthodox Church in the US and Canada

Published monthly with a double issue printed for the months of July and August. Subscriptions are $12.50 per year for US residents and $15.00 per year (US funds only) for Canadian subscribers.

Serbian and English

The Diocesan Observer
The Official Publication of the Diocese of New Gracanica-Midwestern America

Published twice a month except in August. Subscriptions are $20 a year, two years $36; 3 years $54. Canada: $35 a year (first class). Overseas air mail subscriptions $50.

Serbian and English

The Serbian Orthodox Calendar
Published by the Clergy Brotherhood of the
Serbian Orthodox Church in the US and Canada

Published annually by the Clergy Brotherhood of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the US and Canada. It is made available through your local Serbian Orthodox Church.

Serbian and English

The Official Publication
of the Diocese of Canada

Published quarterly. Subscriptions are $25 a year.

Serbian and English

Little Falcons - Мали Соколи

Little Falcons is issued 4 times a year. This publication is made to bring children closer to our Orthodox faith and heritage together.

The subscription rates are as follows: 1 year $15; 10 or more to the same address $5/issue.

The Clergy Messenger

A newsletter published by the Clergy Brotherhood of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America. Published three times a year, for Christmas, Pascha and the New Ecclesiastical Year.
Serbian Orthodox Church

Official website of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North, Central & South America.
Any reproduction of content from this site must be quoted in its entirety with the source cited. ©2019.  All rights reserved.