NEWS AND EVENTS - Monday, December, 23, 2013
Indianapolis, IN - A wonderful celebration of the patron saint of the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church was had at the Indianapolis parish. Our bishop, His Grace Longin, arrived Saturday and spent part of the evening with our cantors (as in the past) at the Priest home – singing, talking and sharing stories.
Sunday morning the bishop was escorted from the parish home to the church by one of our policeman. The church was nearly full of the faithful who had come earlier to welcome their heirarch as he arrived. The bishop was vested by the people – each of them holding part of his vestments and putting it on him. Due to the weather the amount of people was surprising – the church and fellowship hall were packed. Our Kumovi Sveto and Mili Arsic were great hosts. The Kumovi for 2014 will be Doug & Stana Edwards – we thank them in advance.
Sitting at the head table our Bishop received a nice gift from our church school children – the newest android tablet which he can use to read and follow the news when he travels. All who were present went away blessed and full of joy.
Faithful of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Indianapolis Indiana