NEWS AND EVENTS - Monday, December 15, 2014
Indianapolis, IN - On the 27th Sunday after Pentecost, Saint Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, celebrated its patronal feast. His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gračanica and Midwestern America presided at Divine Liturgy, and Archimandrite Thomas (Kazich) of New Gračanica Monastery, together with parish priest and deacon, concelebrated. Before the liturgy started, 17-year old Mark Mozina, who grew up helping in the altar, was tonsured a reader. During the liturgy, our Bishop gave an inspiring sermon in Serbian, English and Russian languages and the newly-received hand-made relic holder from Thessalonica, Greece, was blessed. Fr. Tom, the Director of Diocesan Religious Education Department, who gave a lecture to our church school teachers evening before, after liturgy taught a very interesting class to our church school children. Kumovi, Edwards family, were excellent hosts, helped by parish Kolosisters, who prepared traditional lenten dishes from their countries (Romania, Greece, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Russia and Ukraine) and many regions of the Serbian fatherland. May the Lord grant them all Many Years!