News and Events - September 2007
Greensboro, NC - On the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America blessed the cupola cross for the new church dedicated to St. Basil of Ostrog in Greensboro.
The prayerful gathering began with Vespers at six o’clock which was served by the local pan Orthodox clergy: Fr. Demetrios (Greek Orthodox Church, Winston-Salem), Fr. Paul (chaplain), Fr. Christopher (Orthodox Church in America, High Point) and the host priest Fr. Dragan Zaric.
At the end of the service Bishop Mitrophan blessed the cupola cross, which was built based on the design of the workshop “Heruvim” from Serbia.
This was the first service in the still unfinished new church where over 130 parishioners and guests gathered.
In his homily His Grace, the bishop, pointed out the significance of the Cross in the Orthodox faith, pointing out that the Cross is not only a symbol of the suffering of Christ but also the sign of victory over death – the symbol of the Resurrection of Christ and our salvation. Likewise, he stressed that we are all called to carry our own cross and not anyone else’s and to follow the path of Christ, the path which our holy ancestors traveled.
At the end of the prayerful gathering Fr. Dragan gave thanks to God for the day, to His Grace the bishop for his care and help which the Diocese shows towards the mission parish and the brother clergy for concelebrating. He especially mentioned his joy that the faithful people of this parish regularly attend the holy services and take Communion, that therein, besides their donations for the constructing of the church they are spiritually building themselves in the church. They are building the church but the church is building them.
Afterwards, the hard working tutors (vestrymen) G. R. Mrsic and M. Cvijetic read the names of the donors for the polyleion icons while B. Trifunovic, the President of the Trusteeship, explained to the faithful what other work needs to go into the church.
Following this the faithful met with His Grace at the old property where a lenten meal was served prepared by the Circle of Serbian Sisters, under the leadership of J. Milikic.
On this occasion we would like to invite all of our brothers and sisters in America to help our young and small missionary parish to finish the first church in North Carolina. Additionally, we’d like to thank all of those who have thus far sent their donations.
“Save O Lord thy people and bless Thine inheritance”
Fr. Dragan Zaric