Alhambra, CA - On Friday, September 3, 2011 Diocesan Days 2011 opened with the Clergy Symposium. His Grace, Bishop Maxim, host of this annual event, His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco, His Grace, Bishop Joseph of the Antiochian Diocese of Los Angeles and the West, and His Grace, Bishop Longin, Diocese of New Gracanica and Midwestern America, together with Clergy from throughout Southern California and the Western American Diocese gathered at the Saint Steven's Serbian Orthdoox Cathedral in Alhambra, California to listen to talk given by our special guest speaker, Archimandrite Vasileios Gontikakis from Mount Athos, Greece.
While our hierarchs and clergy attended the symposium, the ladies of the Circle of Serbian Sister (KSS), in service to God and the Western American Dicoese, gathered from parishes throughout the diocese for their annual meeting to discuss the events of the past year and to plan for the year ahead.
A vesper service followed with His Grace, Bishop Longin officiating. Following the service approximately 200 Orthodox faithful gathered to listen the Archimandrite Vasileios give an hour talk on "The Holy Mountain". A buffet dinner followed with an open discussion period and a book signing, with our guest speaker and author, Archimandrite Vasileios.