NEWS AND EVENTS - Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Alhambra, CA - The Feast of the Holy Glorious Elijah, Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016, was a joyous day in the Western American Diocese. During the Divine Liturgy, at the Saint Steven's Cathedral in Alhambra, California, His Grace Bishop Maxim ordained to the deaconate, Vladan Radovanovic.
Among the concelebrants were V. Rev. Nikola Ceko, V. Rev. Bratso Krsic, V. Rev. Blasko Paraklis, Rev. Milovan Katanic​, Rev. Milan Unkovic, Rev. Zoran Aleksic, and Deacon John Ma'ae. The prayerful responses, led by Jonathan Braun, were beautifully sung by the children attending the Cathedral's summer camp.
Following the Liturgy a luncheon was held to congratulate and welcome Deacon Vladan and his wife Dejana into the Western American Diocese. Deacon Vladan has been traveling from Serbia to the Western Diocese for several years, volunteering and assisting in the Diocesan office. He will now serve as the Diocesan Deacon.
May God grant him many years of service to Christ and His Holy Church. We prayerfully wish that he would preserve and multiply the grace that he has been given today so that when the time comes, he would receive (or be ordained to) the priesthood, thus being numbered among the presbyters of Christ’s Church.