Milton, Ontario - With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Georgije of Canada and in conjunction with the church-school congregations of the Diocese of Canada and the St. Sava organization "Kosovski Zavet", the fourth annual Sabor of Serbian Youth was held at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Milton, Canada.
Fifty representatives of Serbian youth from many church-school congregations throughout Canada took part in the work of the Sabor. The central theme was: "For All Who Do Not Accept Forfeit Without a Fight - A Surrender to Consumerist Style of Life," while special attention was given to the problems of identity among the youth, the negativity in a society of consumerism and the dangers of the internet and the social networks in the destruction of true social ties and community.
The Sabor began with the Divine Liturgy at which a large number of participants took Confession and Communion. Following the blessing and greeting of His Grace Bishop Georgije of Canada the introduction to the Sabor was prepared by Fr. Stefan Ikonomsky, diocesan deacon, speaking on the theme, "The heart as the symbol of the Battle of Kosovo".
In the second part of the Sabor, V. Rev. Dr. Milos Vesin, professor at the St. Sava School of Theology in Libertyville, near Chicago, addressed the youth answering their specific questions, in a talk entitled, "Forfeit without a fight". Fr. Milos made a section about the disruption of the system of values in modern society making a parallel between man as an icon of God and man as a model-resident of the virtual world. Discussions ranged from the pressure the media places on the youth in view of relations outside of marriage, on the creation of a healthy community, the fast-paced lifestyle and on Christianity without compromise.
Following the Vespers service and an agape meal discussions on the aforementioned subjects lasted until late in the evening after which an official Charter of the 4th annual Sabor of the Serbian Youth in Canada was issued.
Glory to God for all things!
Sindjel Vasilije (Gavrilovic)