San Francisco, CA - On Sunday, June 21, 2009, with the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, officiated by His Grace Bishop Maxim of Western America, a historical visit
took place at St. John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church in San Francisco, California. This parish, according to the decision made by the Holy Hierarchical Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade, falls within the jurisdiction of the Western America Diocese which, by the God's grace, is archpastorally headed by Bishop Maxim. Assisting His Grace were the host priest Fr. Djurica Gordic and V. Rev. Stavrophor Budimir Andjelic.
Bishop Maxim, following the reading of the gospel, preached on the call to apostleship which the Lord directed not only to His disciples but to all Christians by waking in them the call to witness, that they attract others not to that small boat of the fishermen but the large Ark of Salvation, His Church. He reminded the faithful that it is always important to answer this call, to hear the voice of God's calling in the voice of Christ, to answer His call first of all in one's heart, in one's soul, those inner, spiritual senses with which the Apostles recognized the source of life and salvation
in the voice of that unfamiliar and seemingly inconspicuous Man who called them to follow Him. In this way, therefore, answering the call means doing everything that is necessary from our part, while that which should follow afterwards would make it possible for us, as much as is our ability, to worthily witness His presence, His love and grace, His salvific, transforming dwelling in us and among; later He, as the Struggle-bearer, as our Savior will complete our shortcomings, our weaknesses will be healed, our inabilities will become servants to His all mighty power....
Parishioners of St. John did not conceal their great joy caused by the administrative unity of the entire Orthodox Serbian jurisdiction in America and the fellowship continued with a luncheon in the church hall.
Source: Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America