Butte, MT - On Saturday evening, June 11, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Butte, Montana filled with faithful for the service of Great Vespers. The parish was blessed that evening with the presence of His Grace, Bishop Maxim, of the Western American Diocese.
The joy of the whole community was especially visible as Vespers marked the beginning the the Church's 107th Slava on the feast of Pentecost. His Grace and the parish warmly welcomed guests from across the state who had traveled to Butte for the celebration of the feast, including a special guest from the Salt Lake area, Fr. Makarios. At the conclusion of the service, the faithful were edified as His Grace drew everyone's attention to the meaning of the forthcoming feast and its significance in the life of the parish and the Body of Christ as a whole.
The Vuk 376 045-1500After the service all were treated to an excellent wine-tasting and hors d'oeuvres reception hosted by the parish community. Conversation and fellowship lasted late into the evening before all retired to prepare for Sunday's celebration. Services began early the next morning with the baptism of the child, Sophie, who was surrounded by her family and friends. The Hierarchical Liturgy began immediately after the tonsuring of Daniel Kirk to serve Holy Trinity as a Reader. The Liturgy culminated in the communion of the faithful, and was shortly followed by the Kneeling Prayers of the Vespers of Pentecost.
Hosting the feast were much-beloved kumovi, Merlin Norbury and his wife Ellie, who have served the parish as long-time and committed members. The meal, prepared by parish president Joe Vukovic, was enjoyed by all. Fr. Russell then shared a few short and beautiful stories from a recent pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain and Constantinople. Local talent was also on display that afternoon as parishioners and guests sang favorite songs and played Montana tunes for His Grace and the guests. His Grace brought the Slava to a close with his own exceptional chanting. Afterward, the Radoicich family accompanied His Grace to a local attraction, known as the "Ringing Rocks" in the mountains outside of Butte.