NEWS AND EVENTS - Tuesday, June 12, 2018
On the Feast of PENTECOST, The coming of The Holy Spirit, the people of the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Butte Montana celebrated their Patronal Feast Day. Pentecost is the concrete actualization of the manifestation of the Holy Trinity. His Grace Bishop Maxim presided over Saturday evening prayers, followed by a “welcome” meal in Up-Town Butte at the restaurant named “Park 217” which featured much fine food, wine, wild mushrooms, and fellowship. His Grace stayed at the newly renovated “Miner’s Hotel” in Up-Town Butte graciously hosted by owners/ parishioners, Ted & Cheryl Ackerman.
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was served Sunday presided over by His Grace Bishop Maxim, with the parish priest Rev. Russell Radoicich serving with him. Fresh Green Grass spread all over the floor for weaving Pentecost Wreaths. After reading the Holy Gospel, Bishop Maxim spoke about The Holy Spirit and mentioned that The Holy Spirit is active in the midst of us when we gather. Following the Divine Liturgy, the Festal Kolac (festal loaf of sweet bread) was Blessed and bread broken. A Festal Luncheon ensued and was enjoyed by all. Top Sirloin generously supplied and cooked by parishioners Karl & Tony Sullivan.
His Grace, Bishop Maxim’s presence was sufficient to show forth what is written in The Book of Acts (20:28) that our Bishop is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to oversee, and shepherd the flock, and to protect us from savage wolves who try to speaking and teaching perverse things trying to draw us away from The Church.
After lunch, Bishop Maxim was treated to some “Back-Country” adventure for enjoyment in the “Wilds of Montana”. Accompanied by Michael & Christopher Fisk. A short trip into the mountains to go “Saint George” Mushroom Hunting yielded a huge bounty of God’s gifts. (And a close encounter with a rattlesnake.) An evening meal was hosted by our Slava Kumovi, Svjetlan & Nedeljka, and Maria Krsic. A fantastic finale to a beautiful day.
Monday, Memorial Day, brought Bishop Maxim into the Graveyards of Butte to say the Memorial Prayers and Bless the Graves in Butte at both Mountain View Cemetery and Mt. Moriah Cemetery accompanied by priest and parishioners praying for their loved ones. Vjecnaja Pamjat! Memory Eternal!
The Parish remains in Thankfulness, Joy and Peace, as we continue to bathe in the treasury of Blessings as we go forth Baptizing Montana in the Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit. AMEN!