NEWS AND EVENTS - Friday, April 21, 2017
The clergy and faithful of the Cleveland Deanery traveled to Monastery New Marcha – Archangel Gabriel on Holy Wednesday evening for the service of Holy Unction. This is the second year this Holy Mystery has been celebrated by the deanery clergy.
A large number of the faithful were in attendance seeking Christ’s healing power trough the Holy Mystery of Unction. The celebration of this Holy Mystery on Holy Wednesday reminds the clergy and the faithful that we all need to be healed physical and spiritually to be prepared for the Holy Passion and Resurrection of Christ.
The clergy participating included Rev. Presbyter Dragan Goronjic of Holy Trinity (Racoon Rd.) in Youngstown, Episcopal Dean; the Ven. Protosindjel Sava (Medakovic) from New Marcha Monastery in Richfield; the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Milan Pajic of Archangel Michael in Akron; the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Dragoslav Kosic of St. Sava Cathedral in Parma, OH; Rev. Presbyter Bosko Stojanovic of Holy Trinity (Laird Ave.) in Youngstown and Rev. Presbyter Vedran Grabic of St. George in Heritage, PA. The choir was directed by Mr. Nikola Resanonic and Milan Damljanovi