News and Events - April 2019

NEWS AND EVENTS - Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The assembly was preceded by a retreat for clergy of our diocese, at which specific priests were appointed to offer presentations on the following topics: Proskomedia (preparation before Divine Liturgy) as Outreach, Psalms as problem solver‘s, 800 years of Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Following the retreat the vigil started, and the clergy had their annual confession.

After the conclusion of a beautiful prayer service, both the clergy and the laity delegates went to dinner. The meals were all at the recently renovated and now refreshed and most beautiful hall by the lake. The food, thanks to our sisters even though Lenten, felt healthy and was most delicious.

Around 7 PM, the assembly started with the invoking of the Holy Spirit and receiving of the hierarchical blessing.

It is absolutely amazing to, in a sense, witness and see the whole Diocese under one roof. This is one of the main reasons many of the delegates look forward to these gatherings.

Each parish of our Midwest Diocese sends at least two delegates to represent them at this very special meeting. The delegates spend almost 2 days listening to reports of the past year and suggestions for the upcoming year. Most importantly, we get to see each other, meet each other, spend time with each other, so that we are not foreigners with in this big family called the Diocese.

We prayed together, we ate together, we discussed business together, and even argued together.

Fr. Milos Vesin, with the blessing of our bishop and the support of all the delegates, lead the assembly in the usual to him manner, giving everyone the opportunity to speak, but at the same time keeping things under control in the most brotherly manner.

The first day of the meeting our bishop offered his report, and with in it were the most pastoral and beneficial words of the gospel and the holy fathers.

A short, but most profound presentation "on the benefits of the Psalms of David in our every day life and in our time of need" was offered by Fr. Turbo.

The meeting continued with its regular business procedure.

The second day started with the Divine Liturgy followed by breakfast. Many of the delegates partook of the Eucharist.

As every year, the assembly was blessed with the participation of our youth. The youth, months ahead of time look forward to being given an opportunity and honor of presenting their essays in front of the main body of our diocese - over 100 delegates. On the other hand, most if not all of the delegates receive assurance that all which they are doing and those before them have done, is not in vain - the present future (youth) is interested in the church - Thank God.

Unlike in the past, we had two more presentations by parents who have lost their children recently, and are now dedicating their life for the betterment of others within our Diocese.

The first family has set up a fund which will be of much help to our Camp, and the other family will be organizing camp with in camp (one or two days a week during summer), for the disabled children of our Diocesan - first of a kind in the history of our church on this continent. Both of the mentioned, are going to be of great benefit to our children – the future of our church.

The meeting then continued with its regular business and even though lasted more than usual, concluded around 2:30pm. Lunch and farewell followed.

Glory to God for all things!

Serbian Orthodox Church

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