News and Events - April 2009
Omaha, NE - Giving glory and thanks to the Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we – the priests and the delegates of the Midwestern Metropolitanate, gathered at the Annual Assembly of our Metropolitanate at St. Nicholas Church and Hall in Omaha, Nebraska on March 27 and 28, 2009, under the spiritual guidance of our Archshepard His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher, hereby issue the following
WHEREAS we are staying as faithful and an inseparable part of the fullness of the Holy Orthodox Church and our Mother Church – the Serbian Orthodox Church, we are expressing our loyalty to His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle as well as to all Hierarchs of our Serbian Orthodox Church.
WHEREAS as citizens of this in many ways leading country of the modern world, we are offering our prayers to God for all those who in these critical days of human history are suffering from great consequences of the ever serious economic crisis which in many ways undermines the foundations of the physical existence of humankind. As a Church, not of this world but in the world, through our calling and missino we cannon remain indifferent towards the difficulties which beset many of the faithful people of our Church as well. We are calling upon all the relevant facts to be minful of the fact that there is no economical justice without respecting the basic moral principles of Christianity upon which the Western Civilization was founded.
WHEREAS as faithful sons and daughters of our unified Serbian Orthodox Church, who always followed the Church discipline, we call upon all of our Bishops in North and South America to bring to completion, without delay and in the spirit of Charity and the ministry and spirit of Svetosavlje, solemnly, responsibly and patiently the process of administrative reunification of all ecclesial units in North and South America, following the precepts of the sacred Canons and the Church rules.
WHEREAS listening attentively and discussing diligently what peratins to all the reports submitted to this Assmbly, with loving kindness and in brotherly and sisterly love, we call upon all of our faithful sons and daughters to strengthen their Eucharistic ties with the body of the Church, because with the Holy Sacrament of Communion, there is no Church, and without the Church, there is no salvation. In the same manner we would like to stress the ever growing need for consistent application of principles of Stewardship and in relation of each and every one's responsibly towards the daily needs in the life of the Church.
WHEREAS we know and feel that only in the Church, through liturgical commemoration, the remembrance of all those who labored towards salvation before us is kept alive, we offered our prayers in memory of all the innocent victims of the mindless bombing of Serbia and Serbian lands by the forces of NATO 10 years ago. On that day, March 24th, the bells on all of our Churches tolled with sorrow mourning all the victims and lifting up the prayers to the risen Christ to receive them as the witnesses of truth and justice “where there is neither sorrow nor sighing, but life everlasting.”
WHEREAS we are conscious of the great lossses that we are innocently suffering as victims of the unjust international political policies. We cannot remain indifferent towards the ever growing and ever present evil among our people in the form of negative natality as well as abortion which we strongly condemn.
WHEREAS we are mindful of the fact that marriage and family are Divine institutions, and as such have been elevated to the dignity of a Sacrament, we stand deeply concerned before the dangers that the marriage and family are exposed to due to the unprecedented increase in legalization of devious forms of sexual behavior and artificial unions which purport to be on the level of family. All of this is in direct opposition to God's commandment to be “fruitful and multiply”. Since we know that the family has always been regarded as sacred among the Serbs, we are offering prayers to God to enlighten our people so that they do not succumb to the sodomite temptations which with subtlety are bing imposed on them.
WHEREAS we pray to God of righteousness and truth, once again we are calling upon all sons and daughters of our Holy Church to remain faithful in everything to the truth and to live in accord. Our Serbian Orthodox past in strengthening us with countless examples of loyalty to the Truth and Love as the only powers by which the God pleasing life is being lived so that walking in the Truth and Love we “may grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ” (Ephesians 4:15).
Chairman of the Assembly's Resolution Committee
Very Reverend Fr. Dr. Milos M. Vesin