NEWS AND EVENTS - Friday, March 21, 2014
Alhambra, CA - On Tuesday and Wednesday, March 18 & 19, 2014 His Grace, Bishop Maxim and the Clergy of the Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America gathered at the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in San Gabriel, California for the Annual Lenten Clergy Confession & Retreat.
The Retreat began on Tuesday afternoon with Confession and then the Lenten Compline Service. A Dinner followed with a discussion on the Retreat topic " Parish Life Today and Ultimate Questions."
On Wednesday the day began with the Presanctified Liturgy. The Homily was given by V. Rev. George Gligic from St. Peter the Apostle Church in Fresno, California. Following the service the participants enjoyed a wonderful lenten breakfast and some time in fellowship.
Reports were later given by the Dean's of the Los Angeles, Jackson, Butte, and San Francisco Deaneries. This was followed by a presentation on Prison Ministry entitled, "I was in prison and you did not visit me," which was given by Fr. Russell Radoicich from the Holy Trinity Church in Butte, Montana. Discussion then followed on the topic of Education during which a new Slideshow entitled "What is Orthodoxy Christianity" was presented, and also created, by Fr. Daniel Mackay of the St. John the Wonderworker parish in Eugene, Oregon.
Later the focus moved to the following upcoming events:
The National St. Nikolai of Zicha Oratorical Festival with the theme “The Greater The Struggle, The More Glorious The Triumph!” will take place during the National Assembly/Sabor which will be held at the Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California, August 5th through the 7th. The theme of the 2014 Assembly/Sabor is "Servant Leadership: Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant" - Matthew 20-:27.
SOTAYA - This is a new Internet Community which is bringing church people together from the East to the West Coast with the blessing of our Bishops, to share experiences, learn from one another, support one another, becoming a greater and closer community. There are three groups: Youth (high school age), Young Adults (ages 18-35), and Church School Teacher. SOTAYA is encouraging parishes to start their own chapter so they can participate in this nation wide internet community.
Our Youth and Young Adults have been given an extraordinary opportunity to join His Grace, Bishop Maixm on the Summer 2014 Youth Pilgrimage to Serbia, Hercegovina, Hilandar-Holy Mountain, and Greece from June 24th to July 8th. The deadline for registration is March 20th.
The Annual Diocesan Days Gathering and the Annual Diocesan Assembly will take place at the Saint Sava Mission in Jackson, California on Labor Day weekend, August 29-31, 2014.
The Retreat concluded in the early afternoon, and with the Blessing of His Grace, Bishop Maxim the Clergy returned to their respective parishes.