News and Events - March 2010
Greensboro, NC - The parish priest of St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church in Greensboro, NC, Fr. Dragan Zaric, together with members of the church board wishes to make the following joyous announcement:
нека се веселе, а земља нека се радује, да празнује свјет сав видљиви и невидљиви, јер Христос устаде весеље је вечно" (Пасхални Канон, песма прва) |
,,Let the heavens
rejoice, and the earth be glad, as is meet; and let the whole world visible and invisible, feast; for Christ hath risen to everlasting joy" (Canon of Pascha, first song) |
Consecration of the new church in Greensboro, North Carolina: May 29th and 30th, 2010.
Добродошли! За више информација молимо вас позовите:
- о. Драгана на телефон 336-423-3230, или
- Г. Сашу Цвијетић на телефон 919-599-8489
- Fr. Dragan: phone 336-423-3230, or
- Mr. Sasa Cvijetic: phone 919-599-8489
5:00 pm Vigil-evening service
7:30 pm Opening of the Exhibition: "Parish in photos"
8:00 pm Banquet
9:00 pm Cultural-spiritual program
Exhibition, Banquet and Program to take place at The Greek Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos, 800 Westridge Rd., Greensboro, NC 27410
Admission/Dinner: $20 per person. Due to limited seating, reservations are required by May 16, 2010. Contact phone: 336-420-6140
8:30 am Welcoming of Hierarchs, Consecration of the Temple.
10:00 am Holy Hierarchical Liturgy
1:00 pm Festive Meal
2:00 pm Cultural-Spiritual Program
4:00 pm Entertainment
- Eastern Diocese Youth Choir (ROCOR), From Boston, Mass
- Folklore group Serbian Crown of St. Petka Serbian Orthodox Church in Orlando, FL
- Children and youth from Parishes Saint Basil of Ostrog and Saint Simeon the Myrrh-streaming
- Choir from Holy Cross Orthodox Church of America
- Eastern Diocese Youth Choir (ROCOR), From Boston, Mass
- Folklore group Serbian Crown of St. Petka Serbian Orthodox Church in Orlando, FL
- Children and youth from Parishes Saint Basil of Ostrog and Saint Simeon the Myrrh-streaming
- Choir from Holy Cross Orthodox Church of America
Sunday's events will take place at the church address of 270 Ogden School Road, Kernersville, NC 27284