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Stewardship | Youth Ministry | SOTAYA

An internet community for:
- Youth (high school age)
- Young Adults (18-35 years)
- Church School teachers
Junior SOTAYA Senior SOTAYA Teacher SOTAYA
Putting church people together from the East to the West Coast with the blessing of our bishops!
-Who is this for? Those who love the church and are active in it.
- Who can join? Anyone who is a member of a SOTAYA chapter.
Can anyone join a SOTAYA chapter? All Orthodox Christians are welcome to join in their respective age groups.
- How does one become a member of a SOTAYA chapter?
Call or email SOTAYA administrators:
1. Teacher SOTAYA - Fr. Bratso or (619) 316-2362
2. Senior SOTAYA - Fr. Chris or (717) 939-0251
3. Junior SOTAYA - Fr. Dragan or and/or or 317-374-3414
-Why is this important? Sharing experiences, learning one from another, supporting one another, becoming a greater and closer community.
Form chapters in your parishes as soon as possible - you will love the fellowship – it will be very helpful!