NEWS AND EVENTS - Thursday, November 9, 2017
The Serbian Orthodox community of the St. George the Great Martyr in Waterloo solemnly celebrted the thirtieth anniversary of the consecration of their church.
For thirty years this church has faithfully fulfilled its spiritual and patriotic mission. Serving God and the faithful in this region where many Serbs live, most of whom have settled here after the most recent expulsion and persecution of our people. This anniversary was festively commemorated on October 28, 2017.
Attending the festivities were Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic and Princess Katherine, Bishop Mitrophan of Canada, Republika Srpska Consul Spasoje Petkovic and many other well known and respected individuals from the cultural, public and patriotic circles of the Serbs in this part of Canada.
The festivities began with the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy officiated by His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Canada, with the concelebration of V. Rev. Stavrophor Vasilije Tomic, the Episcopal Deputy, V. Rev. Stavrophor Milojko Dimitric from Hamilton, V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragomir Ninkovic from Kitchener, V. Rev. Stavrophor Ljubomir Rajic from Mississauga, Protosindjel Vasilije Gavrilovic of Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Deacon Radovan Kodic and Deacon Aleksandar Mitrovic and the host priest V. Rev. Stavrophor Dusan Gnjatic.
After the Divine Liturgy, Prince Aleksandar, Princess Katherine, Bishop Mitrophan, Consul Petkovic and all serving clergy and faithful people were welcomed at the entrance of the Serbian cultural center by the members of Gavrilo Princip Folklore Group, offering them the traditional bread and salt and a bouquet of flowers for Princess Katherine.
The guest enjoyed the lovely atmosphere, greeting, the short history of the parish given by eye witness and church kum Nedjo Krajisnik, the church activities presented by the church board president Rajko Savija and the wonderful program prepared by the children, members of the folklore group and the entire program which was planned and prepared by Nevenka Sandalj.
Greetings were offered by Prince Aleksandar and Princess Katherine, who spoke of the Lifeline Foundation which helps many through their donations of medicine to the many hospitals that work under harsh conditions. Consult Spasoje Petkovic also greeted everyone, offering his assistnace to anyone from the Serbian community here.
At the end His Grace Bishop Mitrophan addrssed all those in attendance remindning everyone that it is up to us to build a church for ourselves - "I hope that soon we will build a beautiful church beside the large Serbian center, which we can all be proud of."
Diocese of Canada