Lake Forest, IL - David Batrich, National Stewardship Chair, presented an overview and reflection of Stewardship at St. Basil of Ostrog. Father Djuro Krosnar welcomed David and told the faithful that "Stewardship is an equal giving of Time, Talents and Treasures and through the many ways we can exercise these, they all all beneficial when done with love for God and our Church." The presentation focused on the fact that Stewardship has been our Serbian Orthodox experience since the early 1900's when our ancestors came to the United States and built our Churches. David's presentation focused on the many ways in which our ancestors committed their Time, Talents and Treasures and with very few Treasures, still found ways to build and support our parishes and the ministries the Church provided. The most important aspect said David "is that we have to remember and be thankful for all that our ancestors and families did to lay a foundation for us, however, today's responsibility is no different from what they faced a century ago. As reflected in Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever - Stewardship as well is the same yesterday, today and forever!"